DIY Snap-Together Desktop CNC Milling Machine

The MTM Snap, so named because it’s part of the ‘Machines That Make’ project and it snaps together, is a project out of MIT’s Center for Bits and Atoms and the MTM Snap designer Jonathan Ward. With this machine, one can make pcbs or mill small 3d objects. I had originally used electronics from the class HOW TO MAKE ALMOST ANYTHING, but since these electronics have exposed copper they will begin to decay over time. As a result, I chose to utilize TinyG driver board for the electronics, which will wear better with age. One of my goals was to have a more robust board for the motor drivers and controller. I also wanted to tidy it up a bit, so I made the decision to add an under cabinet area where the power supply, cooling fan and safety switch are housed. The list of materials and files can be found at here

The TinyG project is a multi-axis motion control system. It is designed for CNC applications and other applications that require highly precise motion control. TinyG is meant to be a completely embedded solution for small/medium motor control. Here are some of the main features of the v8 hardware:

ChiliPeppr Hardware Fiddle makes it easier to bridge the gap between hardware restrictions and software needs. Getting access to hardware typically requires a serial port interface but the ChiliPeppr has a Serial Port JSON Server that solves that problem by creating a websocket bridge between your serial port and your browser. Once that is achieved, you are then able to manipulate the hardware from your browser using Javascript. .